salad, great side, vegetarian, gluten-free Jennifer Truman salad, great side, vegetarian, gluten-free Jennifer Truman

sunchoke and arugula salad

This salad is a celebration of vibrant flavors, bringing together Jerusalem artichokes (also known as sunchokes) and peppery arugula, finished off with a sprinkle of savory Parmesan cheese. Despite the name "Jerusalem artichoke," this vegetable is actually a type of sunflower tuber and holds no relation to traditional artichokes. The earthy, nutty taste of sunchokes pairs splendidly with the slight bitterness of arugula, creating a refreshing and wholesome salad. The addition of Parmesan cheese adds a delightful umami touch, resulting in a simple yet satisfying dish that's both flavorful and nutritious.

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Sarah Thoman Sarah Thoman

Smashed Sunchokes with Thyme-Butter Recipe

The sunchoke is an odd looking, knobby root vegetable that you may not be familiar with. That’s ok, because this week we have an easy recipe that will bring out its nutty flavor profile and make a delicious side dish for dinner this week.

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