great side, vegetarian, bread Jennifer Truman great side, vegetarian, bread Jennifer Truman

onion, mushroom, apple puffs

Crafted with care using locally sourced produce from our own farms, these puff pastry bites capture the essence of winter with earthy mushrooms, sweet onions, and crisp apples. Not only do these puffs tantalize your taste buds, but they also support local agriculture, making them a delicious and sustainable choice.

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gluten-free, soup Jennifer Truman gluten-free, soup Jennifer Truman

broccoli apple soup

Broccoli loves the cooler weather as we roll from fall into winter here in NC. Pairing broccoli with apple may be surprising, but it turns out to be a really creamy and delicious soup. The apples sweet and tartness blend to hide away any bitterness the broccoli might have and help make the soup creamy with no cream at all.

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Garlic Roasted Radishes

This week’s recipe is here to help if you are unsure how to use your box’s freshly grown radishes. Roasting radishes brings out the sweetness otherwise masked by the peppery kick that radishes are known for. Even if you aren’t sure you like radishes, try this recipe, and you just might become a radish lover!

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Sarah Thoman Sarah Thoman

Easy Roasted Mushrooms

This recipe is a wonderfully savory, delicious dish that can be used as a side, topping, or even main meaty vegan course.

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Sarah Thoman Sarah Thoman

Mashed Rutabagas

Rutabagas are a great way to mix up your dinner’s side dish with the season. The butter and sour cream make them creamy and delicious!

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