great side, vegetarian, bread Jennifer Truman great side, vegetarian, bread Jennifer Truman

onion, mushroom, apple puffs

Crafted with care using locally sourced produce from our own farms, these puff pastry bites capture the essence of winter with earthy mushrooms, sweet onions, and crisp apples. Not only do these puffs tantalize your taste buds, but they also support local agriculture, making them a delicious and sustainable choice.

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dessert, vegetarian Jennifer Truman dessert, vegetarian Jennifer Truman

persimmon pudding

Savor the flavor of locally harvested goodness with persimmon pudding, a recipe that embraces the unique flavor of locally sourced American persimmons. These fruits, native to the eastern United States, offer a sweet and rich taste reminiscent of apricots and honey. When ripe, their jelly-like texture creates a custardy delight that's perfect for this comforting pudding.

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great side, vegetarian Jennifer Truman great side, vegetarian Jennifer Truman

okra and squash fritters

As the summer sun bathes our gardens in warmth and abundance, it's the perfect time to embrace the freshest seasonal ingredients and transform them into something truly extraordinary. Enter these okra and summer squash fritters - a delightful blend of flavors and textures that epitomize the essence of summer on a plate. Okra, known for its distinctive flavor and unique texture, pairs harmoniously with the mild and tender summer squash in a recipe that's as nutritious as it is delicious.

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