salad, great side, vegetarian, gluten-free Jennifer Truman salad, great side, vegetarian, gluten-free Jennifer Truman

sunchoke and arugula salad

This salad is a celebration of vibrant flavors, bringing together Jerusalem artichokes (also known as sunchokes) and peppery arugula, finished off with a sprinkle of savory Parmesan cheese. Despite the name "Jerusalem artichoke," this vegetable is actually a type of sunflower tuber and holds no relation to traditional artichokes. The earthy, nutty taste of sunchokes pairs splendidly with the slight bitterness of arugula, creating a refreshing and wholesome salad. The addition of Parmesan cheese adds a delightful umami touch, resulting in a simple yet satisfying dish that's both flavorful and nutritious.

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salad, great side, vegetarian, gluten-free Jennifer Truman salad, great side, vegetarian, gluten-free Jennifer Truman

peach, tomato and mozzarella salad

What makes this peach, tomato, and mozzarella salad truly special is its simplicity. In just a few minutes, you can transform these everyday ingredients into a dish that's as elegant as it is easy. Drizzle with a fragrant basil vinaigrette, and you have a salad that's fit for any occasion, from a casual backyard barbecue to an elegant summer dinner party.

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